Source code for hunter.actions

from __future__ import absolute_import

import ast
import os
import pdb
import sys

from colorama import AnsiToWin32
from colorama import Back
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Style
from fields import Fields
from six import string_types

    'reset': '',
    'filename': '',
    'colon': '',
    'lineno': '',
    'kind': '',
    'continuation': '',
    'return': '',
    'exception': '',
    'detail': '',
    'vars': '',
    'vars-name': '',
    'call': '',
    'line': '',
    'internal-failure': '',
    'internal-detail': '',
    'source-failure': '',
    'source-detail': '',
    'reset': Style.RESET_ALL,
    'filename': '',
    'colon': Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT,
    'lineno': Style.RESET_ALL,
    'kind': Fore.CYAN,
    'continuation': Fore.BLUE,
    'return': Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN,
    'exception': Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED,
    'detail': Style.NORMAL,
    'vars': Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.MAGENTA,
    'vars-name': Style.BRIGHT,
    'internal-failure': Back.RED + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED,
    'internal-detail': Fore.WHITE,
    'source-failure': Style.BRIGHT + Back.YELLOW + Fore.YELLOW,
    'source-detail': Fore.WHITE,
    'call': Fore.RESET + Style.BRIGHT,
    'line': Fore.RESET,
    'return': Fore.YELLOW,
    'exception': Fore.RED,

class Action(object):
    def __call__(self, event):
        raise NotImplementedError()

[docs]class Debugger(Fields.klass.kwargs, Action): """ An action that starts ``pdb``. """ def __init__(self, klass=pdb.Pdb, **kwargs): self.klass = klass self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def __call__(self, event): """ Runs a ``pdb.set_trace`` at the matching frame. """ self.klass(**self.kwargs).set_trace(event.frame)
class ColorStreamAction(Action): _stream_cache = {} _stream = None _tty = None default_stream = sys.stderr force_colors = False @property def stream(self): return self._stream @stream.setter def stream(self, value): if isinstance(value, string_types): if value in self._stream_cache: value = self._stream_cache[value] else: value = self._stream_cache[value] = open(value, 'a', buffering=0) isatty = getattr(value, 'isatty', None) if self.force_colors or (isatty and isatty() and != 'java'): self._stream = AnsiToWin32(value) self._tty = True self.event_colors = EVENT_COLORS self.code_colors = CODE_COLORS else: self._tty = False self._stream = value self.event_colors = NO_COLORS self.code_colors = NO_COLORS def _safe_repr(self, obj): try: return repr(obj) except Exception as exc: return "{internal-failure}!!! FAILED REPR: {internal-detail}{!r}".format(exc, **self.event_colors)
[docs]class CodePrinter(, ColorStreamAction): """ An action that just prints the code being executed. Args: stream (file-like): Stream to write to. Default: ``sys.stderr``. filename_alignment (int): Default size for the filename column (files are right-aligned). Default: ``40``. """ def __init__(self, stream=ColorStreamAction.default_stream, force_colors=False, filename_alignment=DEFAULT_MIN_FILENAME_ALIGNMENT): = stream self.force_colors = force_colors self.filename_alignment = max(5, filename_alignment) def _safe_source(self, event): try: lines = event._raw_fullsource.rstrip().splitlines() if lines: return lines else: return "{source-failure}??? NO SOURCE: {source-detail}" \ "Source code string for module {!r} is empty.".format(event.module, **self.event_colors), return lines except Exception as exc: return "{source-failure}??? NO SOURCE: {source-detail}{!r}".format(exc, **self.event_colors),
[docs] def __call__(self, event, sep=os.path.sep, join=os.path.join): """ Handle event and print filename, line number and source code. If event.kind is a `return` or `exception` also prints values. """ filename = event.filename or "<???>" if len(filename) > self.filename_alignment: filename = '[...]{}'.format(filename[5 - self.filename_alignment:]) # context = event.tracer # alignment = context.filename_alignment = max( # getattr(context, 'filename_alignment', 5), # len(filename) # ) lines = self._safe_source(event)"{filename}{:>{align}}{colon}:{lineno}{:<5} {kind}{:9} {code}{}{reset}\n".format( filename, event.lineno, event.kind, lines[0], align=self.filename_alignment, code=self.code_colors[event.kind], **self.event_colors )) for line in lines[1:]:"{:>{align}} {kind}{:9} {code}{}{reset}\n".format( "", r" |", line, align=self.filename_alignment, code=self.code_colors[event.kind], **self.event_colors )) if event.kind in ('return', 'exception'):"{:>{align}} {continuation}{:9} {color}{} value: {detail}{}{reset}\n".format( "", "...", event.kind, self._safe_repr(event.arg), align=self.filename_alignment, color=self.event_colors[event.kind], **self.event_colors ))
[docs]class VarsPrinter(, ColorStreamAction): """ An action that prints local variables and optionally global variables visible from the current executing frame. Args: *names (strings): Names to evaluate. Expressions can be used (will only try to evaluate if all the variables are present on the frame. stream (file-like): Stream to write to. Default: ``sys.stderr``. filename_alignment (int): Default size for the filename column (files are right-aligned). Default: ``40``. globals (bool): Allow access to globals. Default: ``False`` (only looks at locals). """ def __init__(self, *names, **options): if not names: raise TypeError("Must give at least one name/expression.") = options.pop('stream', self.default_stream) self.force_colors = options.pop('force_colors', False) self.filename_alignment = max(5, options.pop('filename_alignment', DEFAULT_MIN_FILENAME_ALIGNMENT)) self.names = { name: set(self._iter_symbols(name)) for name in names } self.globals = options.pop('globals', False) @staticmethod def _iter_symbols(code): """ Iterate all the variable names in the given expression. Example: * ``self.foobar`` yields ``self`` * ``self[foobar]`` yields `self`` and ``foobar`` """ for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(code)): if isinstance(node, ast.Name): yield def _safe_eval(self, code, event): """ Try to evaluate the given code on the given frame. If failure occurs, returns some ugly string with exception. """ try: return eval(code, event.globals if self.globals else {}, event.locals) except Exception as exc: return "{internal-failure}FAILED EVAL: {internal-detail}{!r}".format(exc, **self.event_colors)
[docs] def __call__(self, event): """ Handle event and print the specified variables. """ first = True frame_symbols = set(event.locals) if self.globals: frame_symbols |= set(event.globals) for code, symbols in self.names.items(): try: obj = eval(code, event.globals if self.globals else {}, event.locals) except AttributeError: continue except Exception as exc: printout = "{internal-failure}FAILED EVAL: {internal-detail}{!r}".format(exc, **self.event_colors) else: printout = self._safe_repr(obj) if frame_symbols >= symbols:"{:>{align}} {vars}{:9} {vars-name}{} {vars}=> {reset}{}{reset}\n".format( "", "vars" if first else "...", code, printout, align=self.filename_alignment, **self.event_colors )) first = False