Source code for hunter

from __future__ import absolute_import

import atexit
import inspect
import os

from .actions import Action
from .actions import CallPrinter
from .actions import CodePrinter
from .actions import Debugger
from .actions import VarsPrinter

    if os.environ.get("PUREPYTHONHUNTER"):
        raise ImportError("Skipped")

    from ._predicates import And as _And
    from ._predicates import Not
    from ._predicates import Or as _Or
    from ._predicates import When
    from ._predicates import Query
    from ._tracer import Tracer
except ImportError:
    from .predicates import And as _And
    from .predicates import Not
    from .predicates import Or as _Or
    from .predicates import When
    from .predicates import Query
    from .tracer import Tracer

__version__ = "1.2.2"
__all__ = (
_last_tracer = None

[docs]def Q(*predicates, **query): """ Handles situations where :class:`hunter.Query` objects (or other callables) are passed in as positional arguments. Conveniently converts that to an :class:`hunter.And` predicate. """ optional_actions = query.pop("actions", []) if "action" in query: optional_actions.append(query.pop("action")) for p in predicates: if not callable(p): raise TypeError("Predicate {0!r} is not callable.".format(p)) for a in optional_actions: if not callable(a): raise TypeError("Action {0!r} is not callable.".format(a)) if predicates: predicates = tuple( p() if inspect.isclass(p) and issubclass(p, Action) else p for p in predicates ) if any(isinstance(p, CodePrinter) for p in predicates): if CodePrinter in optional_actions: optional_actions.remove(CodePrinter) if query: predicates += Query(**query), result = And(*predicates) else: result = Query(**query) if optional_actions: result = When(result, *optional_actions) return result
def _flatten(cls, predicate, *predicates): if not predicates: return predicate else: all_predicates = [] if isinstance(predicate, cls): all_predicates.extend(predicate.predicates) else: all_predicates.append(predicate) for p in predicates: if isinstance(p, cls): all_predicates.extend(p.predicates) else: all_predicates.append(p) return cls(*all_predicates)
[docs]def And(*predicates, **kwargs): """ `And` predicate. Returns ``False`` at the first sub-predicate that returns ``False``. """ if kwargs: predicates += Query(**kwargs), return _flatten(_And, *predicates)
[docs]def Or(*predicates, **kwargs): """ `Or` predicate. Returns ``True`` at the first sub-predicate that returns ``True``. """ if kwargs: predicates += tuple(Query(**{k: v}) for k, v in kwargs.items()) return _flatten(_Or, *predicates)
[docs]def stop(): """ Stop tracing. Restores previous tracer (if there was any). """ global _last_tracer if _last_tracer is not None: _last_tracer.stop() _last_tracer = None
def _prepare_predicate(*predicates, **options): if "action" not in options and "actions" not in options: options["action"] = CodePrinter return Q(*predicates, **options)
[docs]def trace(*predicates, **options): """ Starts tracing. Can be used as a context manager (with slightly incorrect semantics - it starts tracing before ``__enter__`` is called). Parameters: *predicates (callables): Runs actions if **all** of the given predicates match. Keyword Args: clear_env_var: Disables tracing in subprocess. Default: ``False``. action: Action to run if all the predicates return ``True``. Default: ``CodePrinter``. actions: Actions to run (in case you want more than 1). """ global _last_tracer predicate = _prepare_predicate(*predicates, **options) clear_env_var = options.pop("clear_env_var", False) if clear_env_var: os.environ.pop("PYTHONHUNTER", None) try: _last_tracer = Tracer() return _last_tracer.trace(predicate) finally: atexit.register(_last_tracer.stop)