Source code for hunter.tracer

from __future__ import absolute_import

import sys
import threading
import traceback

import hunter

from .event import Event

__all__ = 'Tracer',

[docs]class Tracer(object): """ Tracer object. Args: threading_support (bool): Hooks the tracer into ``threading.settrace`` as well if True. """
[docs] def __init__(self, threading_support=None, profiling_mode=False): self._handler = None self._previous = None self._threading_previous = None #: True if threading support was enabled. Should be considered read-only. #: #: :type: bool self.threading_support = threading_support #: True if profiling mode was enabled. Should be considered read-only. #: #: :type: bool self.profiling_mode = profiling_mode #: Tracing depth (increases on calls, decreases on returns) #: #: :type: int self.depth = 0 #: A counter for total number of 'call' frames that this Tracer went through. #: #: :type: int self.calls = 0
@property def handler(self): """ The current predicate. Set via :func:`hunter.Tracer.trace`. """ return self._handler @property def previous(self): """ The previous tracer, if any (whatever ``sys.gettrace()`` returned prior to :func:`hunter.Tracer.trace`). """ return self._previous
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<hunter.tracer.Tracer at 0x%x: threading_support=%s, %s%s%s%s>' % ( id(self), self.threading_support, '<stopped>' if self._handler is None else 'handler=', '' if self._handler is None else repr(self._handler), '' if self._previous is None else ', previous=', '' if self._previous is None else repr(self._previous), )
[docs] def __call__(self, frame, kind, arg): """ The settrace function. .. note:: This always returns self (drills down) - as opposed to only drilling down when ``predicate(event)`` is True because it might match further inside. """ if self._handler is not None: if kind == 'return' and self.depth > 0: self.depth -= 1 try: self._handler(Event(frame, kind, arg, self)) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc(file=hunter._default_stream) hunter._default_stream.write('Disabling tracer because handler {} failed ({!r}).\n\n'.format( self._handler, exc)) self.stop() return if kind == 'call': self.depth += 1 self.calls += 1 return self
[docs] def trace(self, predicate): """ Starts tracing with the given callable. Args: predicate (callable that accepts a single :obj:`~hunter.event.Event` argument): Return: self """ self._handler = predicate if self.profiling_mode: if self.threading_support is None or self.threading_support: self._threading_previous = getattr(threading, '_profile_hook', None) threading.setprofile(self) self._previous = sys.getprofile() sys.setprofile(self) else: if self.threading_support is None or self.threading_support: self._threading_previous = getattr(threading, '_trace_hook', None) threading.settrace(self) self._previous = sys.gettrace() sys.settrace(self) return self
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop tracing. Reinstalls the :attr:`~hunter.tracer.Tracer.previous` tracer. """ if self._handler is not None: if self.profiling_mode: sys.setprofile(self._previous) self._handler = self._previous = None if self.threading_support is None or self.threading_support: threading.setprofile(self._threading_previous) self._threading_previous = None else: sys.settrace(self._previous) self._handler = self._previous = None if self.threading_support is None or self.threading_support: threading.settrace(self._threading_previous) self._threading_previous = None
[docs] def __enter__(self): """ Does nothing. Users are expected to call :meth:`~hunter.tracer.Tracer.trace`. Returns: self """ return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Wrapper around :meth:`~hunter.tracer.Tracer.stop`. Does nothing with the arguments. """ self.stop()