============= Configuration ============= Default predicates and action kwargs defaults can be configured via a ``PYTHONHUNTERCONFIG`` environment variable. All the action kwargs: * ``klass`` * ``stream`` * ``force_colors`` * ``force_pid`` * ``filename_alignment`` * ``thread_alignment`` * ``pid_alignment`` * ``repr_limit`` * ``repr_func`` Example:: PYTHONHUNTERCONFIG="stdlib=False,force_colors=True" This is the same as ``PYTHONHUNTER="stdlib=False,action=CallPrinter(force_colors=True)"``. Notes: * Setting ``PYTHONHUNTERCONFIG`` alone doesn't activate hunter. * All the options for the builtin actions are supported. * Although using predicates is supported it can be problematic. Example of setup that won't trace anything:: PYTHONHUNTERCONFIG="Q(module_startswith='django')" PYTHONHUNTER="Q(module_startswith='celery')" which is the equivalent of:: PYTHONHUNTER="Q(module_startswith='django'),Q(module_startswith='celery')" which is the equivalent of:: PYTHONHUNTER="Q(module_startswith='django')&Q(module_startswith='celery')"