Source code for hunter.actions

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
import opcode
import os
import threading
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import islice
from os import getpid

from . import config
from .util import BUILTIN_SYMBOLS
from .util import CALL_COLORS
from .util import CODE_COLORS
from .util import MISSING
from .util import OTHER_COLORS
from .util import PY3
from .util import StringType
from .util import builtins
from .util import frame_iterator
from .util import get_arguments
from .util import iter_symbols
from .util import safe_repr
from .vendor.colorama import AnsiToWin32

    from threading import get_ident
except ImportError:
    from thread import get_ident

__all__ = ['Action', 'Debugger', 'Manhole', 'CodePrinter', 'CallPrinter', 'VarsPrinter']

    'repr': repr,
    'safe_repr': safe_repr

class Action(object):
    def __call__(self, event):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class LazyImportPdb(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "<class 'pdb.Pdb'>"

    __str__ = __repr__

    def __call__(self, **kwargs):
        from pdb import Pdb
        return Pdb(**kwargs)

[docs]class Debugger(Action): """ An action that starts ``pdb``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, klass=config.Default('klass', LazyImportPdb()), **kwargs): self.klass = config.resolve(klass) self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return ( type(self) is type(other) and self.klass == other.klass and self.kwargs == other.kwargs )
[docs] def __str__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}(klass={0.klass}, kwargs={0.kwargs})'.format(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}(klass={0.klass!r}, kwargs={0.kwargs!r})'.format(self)
[docs] def __call__(self, event): """ Runs a ``pdb.set_trace`` at the matching frame. """ self.klass(**self.kwargs).set_trace(event.frame)
[docs]class Manhole(Action):
[docs] def __init__(self, **options): self.options = options
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) and self.options == other.options
[docs] def __str__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}(options={0.options})'.format(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}(options={0.options!r})'.format(self)
[docs] def __call__(self, event): import manhole inst = manhole.install(strict=False, thread=False, **self.options) inst.handle_oneshot()
[docs]class ColorStreamAction(Action): """ Baseclass for your custom action. Just implement your own ``__call__``. """ _stream_cache = {} _stream = None _tty = None _repr_func = None OTHER_COLORS = OTHER_COLORS EVENT_COLORS = CODE_COLORS
[docs] def __init__(self, stream=config.Default('stream', None), force_colors=config.Default('force_colors', False), force_pid=config.Default('force_pid', False), filename_alignment=config.Default('filename_alignment', 40), thread_alignment=config.Default('thread_alignment', 12), pid_alignment=config.Default('pid_alignment', 9), repr_limit=config.Default('repr_limit', 1024), repr_func=config.Default('repr_func', 'safe_repr')): self.force_colors = config.resolve(force_colors) self.force_pid = config.resolve(force_pid) stream = config.resolve(stream) if stream is None: from . import _default_stream as stream = stream self.filename_alignment = config.resolve(filename_alignment) self.thread_alignment = config.resolve(thread_alignment) self.pid_alignment = config.resolve(pid_alignment) self.repr_limit = config.resolve(repr_limit) self.repr_func = config.resolve(repr_func) self.seen_threads = set() self.seen_pid = getpid()
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, type(self)) and == and self.force_colors == other.force_colors and self.filename_alignment == other.filename_alignment and self.thread_alignment == other.thread_alignment and self.pid_alignment == other.pid_alignment and self.repr_limit == other.repr_limit and self.repr_func == other.repr_func )
[docs] def __str__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}(stream={}, force_colors={0.force_colors}, ' \ 'filename_alignment={0.filename_alignment}, thread_alignment={0.thread_alignment}, ' \ 'pid_alignment={0.pid_alignment} repr_limit={0.repr_limit}, ' \ 'repr_func={0.repr_func})'.format(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}(stream={!r}, force_colors={0.force_colors!r}, ' \ 'filename_alignment={0.filename_alignment!r}, thread_alignment={0.thread_alignment!r}, ' \ 'pid_alignment={0.pid_alignment!r} repr_limit={0.repr_limit!r}, ' \ 'repr_func={0.repr_func!r})'.format(self)
@property def stream(self): return self._stream @stream.setter def stream(self, value): if isinstance(value, StringType): if value in self._stream_cache: value = self._stream_cache[value] else: value = self._stream_cache[value] = open(value, 'a', buffering=0) isatty = getattr(value, 'isatty', None) if self.force_colors or (isatty and isatty() and != 'java'): self._stream = AnsiToWin32(value, strip=False) self._tty = True self.event_colors = self.EVENT_COLORS self.other_colors = self.OTHER_COLORS else: self._tty = False self._stream = value self.event_colors = {key: '' for key in self.EVENT_COLORS} self.other_colors = {key: '' for key in self.OTHER_COLORS} @property def repr_func(self): return self._repr_func @repr_func.setter def repr_func(self, value): if callable(value): self._repr_func = value elif value in BUILTIN_REPR_FUNCS: self._repr_func = BUILTIN_REPR_FUNCS[value] else: raise TypeError('Expected a callable or either "repr" or "safe_repr" strings, not {!r}.'.format(value))
[docs] def try_str(self, obj): """ Safely call ``str(obj)``. Failures will have special colored output and output is trimmed according to ``self.repr_limit``. Only used when dumping detached events. Returns: string """ limit = self.repr_limit try: s = str(obj) s = s.replace('\n', r'\n') if len(s) > limit: cutoff = limit // 2 return '{} {CONT}[...]{RESET} {}'.format(s[:cutoff], s[-cutoff:], **self.other_colors) else: return s except Exception as exc: return '{INTERNAL-FAILURE}!!! FAILED REPR: {INTERNAL-DETAIL}{!r}{RESET}'.format(exc, **self.other_colors)
[docs] def try_repr(self, obj): """ Safely call ``self.repr_func(obj)``. Failures will have special colored output and output is trimmed according to ``self.repr_limit``. Returns: string """ limit = self.repr_limit try: s = self.repr_func(obj) s = s.replace('\n', r'\n') if len(s) > limit: cutoff = limit // 2 return '{} {CONT}[...]{RESET} {}'.format(s[:cutoff], s[-cutoff:], **self.other_colors) else: return s except Exception as exc: return '{INTERNAL-FAILURE}!!! FAILED REPR: {INTERNAL-DETAIL}{!r}{RESET}'.format(exc, **self.other_colors)
[docs] def try_source(self, event, full=False): """ Get a failure-colorized source for the given ``event``. Return: string """ source = event.fullsource if full else event.source if source.startswith('??? NO SOURCE: '): return '{SOURCE-FAILURE}??? NO SOURCE: {SOURCE-DETAIL}{}'.format(source[15:], **self.other_colors) elif source: return source else: return '{SOURCE-FAILURE}??? NO SOURCE: {SOURCE-DETAIL}Source code string for {!r} is empty.'.format( event.filename, **self.other_colors)
[docs] def filename_prefix(self, event=None): """ Get an aligned and trimmed filename prefix for the given ``event``. Returns: string """ if event: filename = event.filename if filename == '?': filename = '{SOURCE-FAILURE}?'.format(**self.other_colors) lineno = '{COLON}:{LINENO}{:<5}'.format(event.lineno, **self.other_colors) if len(filename) > self.filename_alignment: filename = '[...]{}'.format(filename[5 - self.filename_alignment:]) return '{:>{}}{} '.format( filename, self.filename_alignment, lineno, **self.other_colors) else: return '{:>{}} '.format('', self.filename_alignment)
[docs] def pid_prefix(self): """ Get an aligned and trimmed pid prefix. """ pid = getpid() if self.force_pid or self.seen_pid != pid: pid = '[{}]'.format(pid) pid_align = self.pid_alignment else: pid = pid_align = '' return '{:{}}'.format(pid, pid_align)
[docs] def thread_prefix(self, event): """ Get an aligned and trimmed thread prefix for the given ``event``. """ self.seen_threads.add(get_ident()) if event.threading_support is False: threading_support = False elif event.threading_support: threading_support = True else: threading_support = len(self.seen_threads) > 1 thread_name = threading.current_thread().name if threading_support else '' thread_align = self.thread_alignment if threading_support else '' return '{:{}}'.format(thread_name, thread_align)
[docs] def output(self, format_str, *args, **kwargs): """ Write ``format_str.format(*args, **ANSI_COLORS, **kwargs)`` to ````. For ANSI coloring you can place these in the ``format_str``: * ``{BRIGHT}`` * ``{DIM}`` * ``{NORMAL}`` * ``{RESET}`` * ``{fore(BLACK)}`` * ``{fore(RED)}`` * ``{fore(GREEN)}`` * ``{fore(YELLOW)}`` * ``{fore(BLUE)}`` * ``{fore(MAGENTA)}`` * ``{fore(CYAN)}`` * ``{fore(WHITE)}`` * ``{fore(RESET)}`` * ``{back(BLACK)}`` * ``{back(RED)}`` * ``{back(GREEN)}`` * ``{back(YELLOW)}`` * ``{back(BLUE)}`` * ``{back(MAGENTA)}`` * ``{back(CYAN)}`` * ``{back(WHITE)}`` * ``{back(RESET)}`` Args: format_str: a PEP-3101 format string *args: **kwargs: Returns: string """ *args, **dict(self.other_colors, **kwargs) ))
def cleanup(self): pass
[docs]class CodePrinter(ColorStreamAction): """ An action that just prints the code being executed. Args: stream (file-like): Stream to write to. Default: ``sys.stderr``. filename_alignment (int): Default size for the filename column (files are right-aligned). Default: ``40``. force_colors (bool): Force coloring. Default: ``False``. repr_limit (bool): Limit length of ``repr()`` output. Default: ``512``. repr_func (string or callable): Function to use instead of ``repr``. If string must be one of 'repr' or 'safe_repr'. Default: ``'safe_repr'``. """
[docs] def __call__(self, event): """ Handle event and print filename, line number and source code. If event.kind is a `return` or `exception` also prints values. """ lines = self.try_source(event, full=True).splitlines() pid_prefix = self.pid_prefix() thread_prefix = self.thread_prefix(event) filename_prefix = self.filename_prefix(event) self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {COLOR}{}{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, lines[0], COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) if len(lines) > 1: empty_filename_prefix = self.filename_prefix() for line in lines[1:-1]: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {COLOR}{}{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, empty_filename_prefix, ' |', line, COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {COLOR}{}{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, empty_filename_prefix, ' *', lines[-1], COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) if event.kind in ('return', 'exception'): self.output( '{}{}{}{CONT}{:9} {COLOR}{} value: {NORMAL}{}{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, self.filename_prefix(), '...', event.kind, self.try_str(event.arg) if event.detached else self.try_repr(event.arg), COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), )
[docs]class CallPrinter(CodePrinter): """ An action that just prints the code being executed, but unlike :obj:`hunter.CodePrinter` it indents based on callstack depth and it also shows ``repr()`` of function arguments. Args: stream (file-like): Stream to write to. Default: ``sys.stderr``. filename_alignment (int): Default size for the filename column (files are right-aligned). Default: ``40``. force_colors (bool): Force coloring. Default: ``False``. repr_limit (bool): Limit length of ``repr()`` output. Default: ``512``. repr_func (string or callable): Function to use instead of ``repr``. If string must be one of 'repr' or 'safe_repr'. Default: ``'safe_repr'``. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ EVENT_COLORS = CALL_COLORS locals = defaultdict(list) @classmethod def cleanup(cls): cls.locals = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CallPrinter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, event): """ Handle event and print filename, line number and source code. If event.kind is a `return` or `exception` also prints values. """ ident = event.module, event.function thread = threading.current_thread() stack = self.locals[thread.ident] pid_prefix = self.pid_prefix() thread_prefix = self.thread_prefix(event) filename_prefix = self.filename_prefix(event) if event.kind == 'call': if event.builtin: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {}{COLOR} >{BUILTIN} {}.{}: {}{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, ' ' * (len(stack) - 1), event.module, event.function, self.try_source(event).strip(), COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) else: code = event.code stack.append(ident) self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {}{COLOR}=>{NORMAL} {}({}{COLOR}{NORMAL}){RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, ' ' * (len(stack) - 1), event.function, ', '.join('{VARS}{0}{VARS-NAME}{1}{VARS}={RESET}{2}'.format( prefix, var_display, self.try_str(event.locals.get(var_lookup, MISSING)) if event.detached else self.try_repr(event.locals.get(var_lookup, MISSING)), **self.other_colors ) for prefix, var_lookup, var_display in get_arguments(code)), COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) elif event.kind == 'exception': if event.builtin: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {}{COLOR} ! {BUILTIN}{}.{}{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, ' ' * (len(stack) - 1), event.module, event.function, COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) else: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {}{COLOR} !{NORMAL} {}: {RESET}{}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, ' ' * (len(stack) - 1), event.function, self.try_str(event.arg) if event.detached else self.try_repr(event.arg), COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) elif event.kind == 'return': if event.builtin: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {}{COLOR} <{BUILTIN} {}.{}{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, ' ' * (len(stack) - 1), event.module, event.function, COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) else: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {}{COLOR}<={NORMAL} {}{}{RESET}{}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, ' ' * (len(stack) - 1), event.function, '' if event.builtin else ': ', '' if event.builtin else (self.try_str(event.arg) if event.detached else self.try_repr(event.arg)), COLOR=self.event_colors.get(event.kind), ) if stack and stack[-1] == ident: stack.pop() else: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {RESET}{}{}{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, ' ' * len(stack), self.try_source(event).strip(), )
[docs]class VarsPrinter(ColorStreamAction): """ An action that prints local variables and optionally global variables visible from the current executing frame. Args: *names (strings): Names to evaluate. Expressions can be used (will only try to evaluate if all the variables are present on the frame. stream (file-like): Stream to write to. Default: ``sys.stderr``. filename_alignment (int): Default size for the filename column (files are right-aligned). Default: ``40``. force_colors (bool): Force coloring. Default: ``False``. repr_limit (bool): Limit length of ``repr()`` output. Default: ``512``. repr_func (string or callable): Function to use instead of ``repr``. If string must be one of 'repr' or 'safe_repr'. Default: ``'safe_repr'``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *names, **options): if not names: raise TypeError('VarsPrinter requires at least one variable name/expression.') self.names = { name: set(iter_symbols(name)) for name in names } super(VarsPrinter, self).__init__(**options)
[docs] def __call__(self, event): """ Handle event and print the specified variables. """ first = True frame_symbols = set(event.locals) frame_symbols.update(BUILTIN_SYMBOLS) frame_symbols.update(event.globals) pid_prefix = self.pid_prefix() thread_prefix = self.thread_prefix(event) filename_prefix = self.filename_prefix(event) empty_filename_prefix = self.filename_prefix() for code, symbols in self.names.items(): try: obj = eval(code, dict(vars(builtins), **event.globals), event.locals) except (AttributeError, KeyError): continue except Exception as exc: printout = '{INTERNAL-FAILURE}FAILED EVAL: {INTERNAL-DETAIL}{!r}'.format(exc, **self.other_colors) else: printout = self.try_str(obj) if event.detached else self.try_repr(obj) if frame_symbols >= symbols: if first: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {VARS}[{VARS-NAME}{} {VARS}=> {RESET}{}{VARS}]{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, code, printout, ) first = False else: self.output( '{}{}{}{CONT}... {VARS}[{VARS-NAME}{} {VARS}=> {RESET}{}{VARS}]{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, empty_filename_prefix, code, printout, )
[docs]class VarsSnooper(ColorStreamAction): """ A PySnooper-inspired action, similar to :class:`~hunter.actions.VarsPrinter`, but only show variable changes. .. warning:: Should be considered experimental. Use judiciously. * It stores reprs for all seen variables, therefore it can use lots of memory. * Will leak memory if you filter the return events (eg: ``~Q(kind="return")``). * Not thoroughly tested. May misbehave on code with closures/nonlocal variables. Args: stream (file-like): Stream to write to. Default: ``sys.stderr``. filename_alignment (int): Default size for the filename column (files are right-aligned). Default: ``40``. force_colors (bool): Force coloring. Default: ``False``. repr_limit (bool): Limit length of ``repr()`` output. Default: ``512``. repr_func (string or callable): Function to use instead of ``repr``. If string must be one of 'repr' or 'safe_repr'. Default: ``'safe_repr'``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **options): super(VarsSnooper, self).__init__(**options) self.stored_reprs = defaultdict(dict)
[docs] def __call__(self, event): """ Handle event and print the specified variables. """ first = True pid_prefix = self.pid_prefix() thread_prefix = self.thread_prefix(event) filename_prefix = self.filename_prefix(event) empty_filename_prefix = self.filename_prefix() current_reprs = { name: self.try_str(value) if event.detached else self.try_repr(value) for name, value in event.locals.items() } scope_key = event.code or event.function scope = self.stored_reprs[scope_key] for name, current_repr in sorted(current_reprs.items()): previous_repr = scope.get(name) if previous_repr is None: scope[name] = current_repr if first: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {VARS}[{VARS-NAME}{} {VARS}:= {RESET}{}{VARS}]{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, name, current_repr, ) first = False else: self.output( '{}{}{}{CONT}{:9} {VARS}[{VARS-NAME}{} {VARS}:= {RESET}{}{VARS}]{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, empty_filename_prefix, '...', name, current_repr, ) elif previous_repr != current_repr: scope[name] = current_repr if first: self.output( '{}{}{}{KIND}{:9} {VARS}[{VARS-NAME}{} {VARS}: {RESET}{}{VARS} => {RESET}{}{VARS}]{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, event.kind, name, previous_repr, current_repr, ) first = False else: self.output( '{}{}{}{CONT}{:9} {VARS}[{VARS-NAME}{} {VARS}: {RESET}{}{VARS} => {RESET}{}{VARS}]{RESET}\n', pid_prefix, thread_prefix, empty_filename_prefix, '...', name, previous_repr, current_repr, ) if event.kind == 'return': del self.stored_reprs[scope_key]
[docs]class ErrorSnooper(CodePrinter): """ An action that prints events around silenced exceptions. Note that it inherits the output of :class:`~hunter.actions.CodePrinter` so no fancy call indentation. .. warning:: Should be considered experimental. May show lots of false positives especially if you're tracing lots of clumsy code like: .. sourcecode:: python try: stuff = something[key] except KeyError: stuff = "default" Args: max_backlog (int): Maximum number of events to record and display before the silenced exception is raised. Set to 0 to disable and get a speed boost. Default: ``10``. max_events (int): Maximum number of events to record and display for each detected silenced exception. Default: ``50``. max_depth (int): Increase if you want to drill into subsequent calls after an exception is raised. If you increase this you might want to also increase ``max_events`` since subsequent calls may have so many events you won't get to see the return event. Default: ``0`` (doesn't drill into any calls). stream (file-like): Stream to write to. Default: ``sys.stderr``. filename_alignment (int): Default size for the filename column (files are right-aligned). Default: ``40``. force_colors (bool): Force coloring. Default: ``False``. repr_limit (bool): Limit length of ``repr()`` output. Default: ``512``. repr_func (string or callable): Function to use instead of ``repr``. If string must be one of 'repr' or 'safe_repr'. Default: ``'safe_repr'``. .. versionadded:: 3.1.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.max_backlog = kwargs.pop('max_backlog', 10) self.backlog = collections.deque(maxlen=self.max_backlog) self.max_events = kwargs.pop('max_events', 50) self.max_depth = kwargs.pop('max_depth', 0) self.origin = None = None super(ErrorSnooper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, event): if self.max_backlog: detached_event = event.detach(self.try_repr) self.backlog.append(detached_event) else: detached_event = None if event.kind == 'exception': # something interesting happened ;) if detached_event is None: detached_event = event.detach(self.try_repr) if self.origin: if self.origin.depth > event.depth: self.origin = detached_event else: = list(self.backlog) self.origin = detached_event elif self.origin: if event.kind == 'return': if detached_event is None: detached_event = event.detach(self.try_repr) if event.depth == self.origin.depth - 1: # stop if the same function returned (depth is -1) if event.instruction == RETURN_VALUE: self.dump_events() self.output('{BRIGHT}{fore(BLACK)}{} function exit{RESET}\n', '-' * 46) self.origin = None = None elif event.depth > self.origin.depth + self.max_depth: # too many details return elif len( > self.max_events: self.dump_events() self.output('{BRIGHT}{fore(BLACK)}{} too many lines{RESET}\n', '-' * 46) else: if detached_event is None: detached_event = event.detach(self.try_repr)
def dump_events(self): self.output('{BRIGHT}{fore(BLUE)}{} tracing {fore(YELLOW)}{}{fore(BLUE)} on {fore(RED)}{}{RESET}\n', '>' * 46, self.origin.function, self.origin.arg) for event in super(ErrorSnooper, self).__call__(event) self.origin = None = None
[docs]class StackPrinter(ColorStreamAction): """ An action that prints a one-line stacktrace. Args: depth (int): The maximum number of frames to show. limit (int): The maximum number of components to show in path. Eg: ``limit=2`` means it will show 1 parent: ``foo/``. stream (file-like): Stream to write to. Default: ``sys.stderr``. filename_alignment (int): Default size for the filename column (files are right-aligned). Default: ``40``. force_colors (bool): Force coloring. Default: ``False``. repr_limit (bool): Limit length of ``repr()`` output. Default: ``512``. repr_func (string or callable): Function to use instead of ``repr``. If string must be one of 'repr' or 'safe_repr'. Default: ``'safe_repr'``. """
[docs] def __init__(self, depth=15, limit=2, **options): self.limit = limit self.depth = depth super(StackPrinter, self).__init__(**options)
[docs] def __call__(self, event): """ Handle event and print the stack. """ pid_prefix = self.pid_prefix() thread_prefix = self.thread_prefix(event) filename_prefix = self.filename_prefix(event).rstrip() sep = os.path.sep if event.frame and event.frame.f_back: template = '{}{}{}{CONT}:{BRIGHT}{fore(BLUE)}%s {KIND}<={RESET} %s' % ( event.function, ' {KIND}<={RESET} '.join( '%s{CONT}:{RESET}%s{CONT}:{BRIGHT}{fore(BLUE)}%s' % ( '/'.join(frame.f_code.co_filename.split(sep)[-self.limit:]), frame.f_lineno, frame.f_code.co_name ) for frame in islice(frame_iterator(event.frame.f_back), self.depth) ) ) else: template = '{}{}{}{CONT}:{BRIGHT}{fore(BLUE)}%s {KIND}<= {BRIGHT}{fore(YELLOW)}no frames available {NORMAL}(detached=%s)' % ( event.function, event.detached, ) template += '{RESET}\n' self.output( template, pid_prefix, thread_prefix, filename_prefix, )